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What Charter Schools Love about Lotterease

Charter school staff and administrators have a lot on their plates, including everything from the enrollment process to the educational process, and they must handle all of this while maintaining detailed records for transparency and auditability. These administrative tasks require a lot of time and can limit staff availability for the students and families at their schools.

Our mission at Lotterease is to make their work easier. The use of Lotterease and our full range of Easysuite products can take these tasks down from year-long maintenance to the click of a button.

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Why ISN’T Your Enrollment Lottery EASY?

Are you expecting a pleasant school enrollment cycle this year? “Really?”, you ask, “Who actually is?” Believe it or not, there are charter schools around the country, who are expecting a pleasant, easy school enrollment cycle. “How can this be?”, you ask. Let me start by telling you the story of Helen Ratcliff, Registrar at the two-time Blue-Ribbon School of Excellence charter school Terrace Community Middle School in Tampa, Florida.

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Lotterease Brings the Benefits of Charter Schools to ALL Children

Charter schools are proven to benefit the students and families in attendance, with higher satisfaction, higher rates of graduation and 4-year college attendance, and even higher rates of voter registration among it’s students. But, like Brett Peiser, Dacia Toll and Richard Barth state in the NY Daily News, people, and more specifically many of the presidential candidates, “talk about charters as if they are the enemy of public education.”

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Demand For Charter Schools Forces Gov. to Reverse Budget Cuts!

Last October, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan vetoed a line item reducing the budget allowed to charter schools while continuing to increase budget for traditional public schools. As Alicia Urbain notes on, this action caused an uproar in the community as charter school parents, staff, and partners came together to write letters, hold press conferences, flood social media, and even “gather outside the governor’s Lansing office to read the names of more than a thousand charter.

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